The origin:
The owner of this beautiful bronze lamp requested our services for its rehabilitation. Indeed, the tusks of the elephant were missing. We discussed about several aspecst of the rehabilitation: type of material / reversibility / maintenance / esthetic aspect / price. We decided to fabricate new, removable tusks in maple.
The Rehabilitation steps:
- Documentation about African elephant anatomy.
- Modeling of the tusks.
- Mounting and adjustment of the tusks.
- Encaustic of the tusks .
- Polishing of the tusks.
An old cast iron elephant lamp without its tusks was not quite lamp at all. And while the tusks are but a small part of the elephant whole, until Lionel designed and carved new ones to life for this lamp from elegant maple–so tusk-like is this wood–this sculptural luminosity simply didn’t shine. Again, Lionel has an eye for exquisite detail and he can carve any piece of wood to realize just the angle and curve and pose you’re seeking. You did so for this lamp, Lionel, and I’m grateful. Thank you.